How Long Do Pugs Live? Pug Life Span of 27 Years, Is It Possible?

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Pugs are amongst the most social dog breeds. They are the perfect type of dog to have if you need a charming, amusing, and affectionate companion. Their fun-loving character is the cause why they are usually difficult to resist. And if your dream is to have a dog for many years to come, you will be happy to know that pugs are making the list of the breeds with the highest life expectancy.

But, you have to be aware they are not the breeziest breed to take charge of. Pugs are inclined to rare diseases mostly because of their looks.

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They have a smaller head and a flat nose, which can have an influence on their health. Amongst some of the typical pug’s health issues are: eye injuries, breathing problems, reverse sneezing, hip dysplasia ( around 64% of all pugs were harmed by hip dysplasia according to a study by the Orthopedic Foundation for Animals), etc.  To ensure that your pug’s lifespan is long enough you have to take high-grade care of your pup. So what to expect if you do?

pug life expectancy

Pug life span on average

Pugs average lifespan is about 12-15 years. The normal life expectancy of male pugs is 12.8 years while the females live an average of 13.2 years.

Can pugs last more than 15 years? Yes, it is plausible for pugs. But all depends on the conditions they are living in and the care they receive.  Some pugs live 16 years and more. For instance, King Tug the Pug, who’s pretty sure he’s America’s oldest pug is 18-year-old at the moment of writing.

Do note that your pug’s longevity depends on several factors we will cover below.

Oldest pug ever lived

Oldest pug listed by Guinness World Records was Snookie who lived 27 years and 284 days. She died on the 12th of October, 2018

How long do pugs live and how to increase breed’s life expectancy?

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The kind of care you give your dog will keep him well, cheerful and healthy, and those are the keys to a long life. You will not have a tough time making your pug content as long as you share signs of affection with him and socializing with him.

Pugs are also called as “loving clowns”. They are a great company and suitable even for families with small kids. Pugs are not difficult to satisfy. So maintain your pug stress-free and cheery and stress-free  – it’s the easiest way to make sure he will stay with you for many years to come.

Keep him satisfied by spending more time with him. Such a simple thing as helping a pug to take a bath can be a delight for your pet.  

pugs life span

Pugs can get very upset when left alone. They has an inclination to turn to be needy. So, then left on their own they feel quite unhappy.  

On top of that, to ensure your pug lives longer, please wash him regularly. All those cute wrinkles on his body is a perfect locality for bacteria colonies.  Use a cotton swab soaked in warm water to wipe your pet’s facial wrinkles. You can also utilize unscented wet wipes. Wrinkle cleaning every week is the must.

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TIP: If your pug is too dirty for simple water-wiping, you can wash them using a mixture of rubbing alcohol, white vinegar, and witch hazel. Mix 5 tablespoons of each ingredient together and add 10 drops of tea tree oil. Clean pugs wrinkles with this blend for better antibacterial results.

Diet is another major factor influencing your pug life span. As with any breed, pugs have the inclination to eat about anything: pasta, doughnuts, candies, or just anything that they can find, bite and swallow! Make sure that you restrict his reach to any unhealthy food to the minimum. Pugs also have a tendency to gaining extra pounds quickly.

Take into consideration that adult pugs require 40 calories per pound of body weight per day, measuring cups, calculator and kitchen scales (like affordable and precise digital scales for Greater Goods, which, by the way, can not only be a help for taking care of your pup’s nutrition, but also anyone in your family) will be your best helpers in working on increasing your pug’s lifespan to its maximum.

Credits: thanks for the cover photo to Matthew Henry from Unsplash